With a new year always comes a feeling of cleaning out the old to make way for the new.  It’s a fresh start in all areas of our lives a new year brings on a spontaneous flow of cleansing and refreshing.  So with the new season of 2024 we are offering home edits.  What is a home edit you ask.  It’s similar to a wardrobe edit where you get rid of all the things that don’t fit, don’t align with the new you, things that are broken and things that just don’t belong.

So here are some tips to get your home edit underway yourself for all of you that are invigorated by the new season of change and cleansing you can use this as a great guide to get your home ready for 2024 and aligning and flowing with your goals and dreams and for those that want to use our service we can do home visits and or zoom so don’t worry if you are interstate or overseas we have you covered too.

living room design designing_spaces_places

Step 1: ’THE LIST’


Armed with a notebook and pen, ipad or phone notes whatever tickles your fancy start at the pedestrian entrance to your home and take note of what you love, hate and feel neutral about.  Take your time, be detailed and don’t rush, remember you are creating a sanctuary a soul space to nurture your goals and dreams.  For example I will use a recent home I have edited to give you and indication of details. 


Starting at the pedestrian gate:


  • the door bell was no longer working
  • stains on the wall pedestrian side
  • Door creaks when opening
  • Pot plant that needs repotting or replacing
  • Stains on the outdoor cushions (possibly just need to be soaked and washed)
  • Deck is scratched
  • BBQ no longer working


Front Entrance and foyer:


  • Entrance is a little unwelcoming
  • Hooks in wall with no art
  • Generally could do with more storage
  • Dislikes current art given to him from family kept because felt obliged


The above gives you an indication of the details of ‘THE LIST’ its what we do with the list that then forms the foundations of ‘THE HOME EDIT

foyer entry welcoming ambient



making a list setting goals items to fix




Once ‘THE LIST’ formed in step one has been completed – it is clear what is annoying, broken, disliked and just doesn’t fit.  So a process I like to call ‘RUTHLESS ELIMINATION’ is performed. 


It starts at the beginning of the home at the pedestrian gate and anything that is broken is thrown away, anything that doesn’t fit or is not loved is removed from the home, you can choose to donate or sell these things that are no longer serving you, remember if you are donating items to a charity and they are large furniture items often they will come and collect them however if they are not in a good condition it is obviously much kinder to take these items to the tip.





Consider this question What are your dreams and desires and goals for 2024 and does my home support me in bringing this to fruition???  You may be wondering how this is part of the home design and why it matters.  Well it does matter for a number of reasons; when our home is not aligning with our dreams and goals we wont feel at home in the space we are labelling home.  Our homes should have spaces that support and nurture these dreams and goals and therefore assist in bring them to fruition.  To align our home with our heart and soul we need to reflect on our desires, dreams and goals for 2024 and beyond and see how the house can become part of your support team cheering you on to reach the finish line of goals and see desires dreams and passions come to life.


  • Think about your home and how you currently use the individual spaces.
  • Notice if there are spaces that are underutilised or over utilised and consider how these spaces could support what you see for your future.
  • Consider how your dining table is placed and how you may like to see people sitting around this and do you have enough or too much?
  • Lighting plays a big role in how a space feels its not just practical it is a layer of ambience.
  • Consider all of your senses and what your eyes are drawn to and what makes you feel inspired, happy and motivated or the opposite and add this to your design
  • Consider furniture placement, art (what sizes and shapes) and add mirrors they create light and space and are great addition to small apartments or dark rooms.




Knowing your space intimately you can see how it can support or destroy your future steps.  Obviously we want the supporting role to win so putting it all to paper now will bring this dream over the line ready to support all the other beautiful desires and passions.

With photos of all your beloved items and a wish list of items that you may like to add create a mood board for each space with a supporting document that we call a schedule of finishes this can be done in a word or excel document.  This will be your road map to get all the items needed and to not get distracted and taken off task.






Taking the schedule of finishes and mood boards created for each room you are armed and ready to find the perfect pieces for each space that will fill your home with love, ambience and a calm tranquil space to bring in these future desires and passions into your life and those that you love.


  • When you have a list and are specific about what you need you are more likely to find exactly what you are looking for.
  • Knowing the right steps to take in what order is helpful
    • NB: Any work that is required to fittings and fixtures should be completed before bringing in additional loose items.
  • Ensure that you don’t go to small on items as this makes a room look immature in its design and vice versa do not go too large and crowd the space either.
  • Love your layers of lighting, textures and colours
  • Do have personal items around your home that tell a story and / or remind you of a beautiful time or person in your life.
  • No what you like and what you don’t and if you don’t like something do not have it in your home even if you love the person who gave it to you, you do not have to have it in your home.



Now it is time to celebrate and invite people into your newly formed space and embrace all that is you and your unique style and way of living and loving.




Allow your home to serve you and your dreams - design your space to align with your goals and visions.

loft space designing_spaces_places_